Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Importance of Copyright - 1614 Words

reserves the right to resell the materials at some point in the future. Since the research materials are provided to you by human beings, and may be based on numerous sources, it is strongly recommended that you conduct independent research to verify that all information is complete and accurate before referencing the material. This reminder does not contain all of the terms and conditions that govern your purchase The need to copyright Introduction Copyright is one of the most controversial topics in the contemporary society, as while it is a rational concept, most people believe that it is not moral in character. It seems perfectly normal for the creator of a product to want to have exclusive rights for his or her work, and it seems normal for the respective individual to want to get paid every time someone copies the product. While physical objects are typically believe to be more important when regarding copyrights, society has had significant problems in recent years as a result of the fact that the internet practically broke all the rules regarding the matter and people are able to download a series of products without paying for them. Most people fail to understand that it is wrong for them to steal music and songs and simply believe that they are doing an artist a service by employing such attitudes as a result of showing interest in the respective personae. As a consequence, it is essential for the masses toShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Copyright Laws On The Globalized And Digital Era1563 Words   |  7 Pages Copyright Name of the Student Name of the Institution Copyright The importance of copyright laws in the globalized and digital era cannot be gainsaid. The protection given to any form of creation is critical in ensuring that it is not abused by third parties (Atkinson, 2007). For example, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (the movie) is a Copyright Warner Brothers. In the event that Warner Brothers wants to release a new movie or produce a book on Harry Porter, they use copiesRead MoreThe Importance Of Copyright Law For Online Piracy738 Words   |  3 Pageswebsite.† When I got home I called my agent and told him about this website and he let me know that he knew about it and it was costing us hundreds of dollars. There are plenty of cases of this happening to other artist due to violation of copyright laws. Copyright laws were made to protect artist like him but everyday are broken and people are getting away with it. People should be prosecuted for online piracy because people are taking the artist money to eat, if people keep stealing their work theirRead MoreFighting Copyright Infringement, Itunes And Importance Of A Novel Approach1051 Words   |  5 Pages This Project has been submitted by Mr. Adithya Ramchandran Iyer ID No: 211020 On Copyright Law Topic – ‘Fighting Copyright infringement, iTunes and importance of a novel approach’ During the Winter Semester 2014/15 Introduction This paper attempts to show how far digitalization of music, primarily ushered in by Apple inc’s iTunes Store has had tangible results and helped tackle copyright infringement and has been able to deal with music piracy in the United States of America. It exploresRead MoreThe Importance of Internet Regulation in Fighting Piracy and Enforcing Copyright Claims1710 Words   |  7 PagesInternet Regulation in Fighting Piracy and Enforcing Copyright Claims In 1980s, the Internet developed, and this brought about the growth of the file transfer protocol (FTP) servers, electronic mail (e-mail), and World Wide Web (WWW) as online services. The development has caused major challenges for copyright law. Digital technologies and Internet services have facilitated the reproduction and worldwide copyright dissemination easy and high-speed quantities with the protected works at no qualityRead MoreThe Importance Of Protecting Businesses By Using Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, And Businesses Property Rights901 Words   |  4 Pagesbusiness’s logo, name, trademark, or identity. Stealing does not have to be a physical object that belongs to a business. It can be something that they have created such as a song or product. This paper will talk about the importance of protecting businesses by using patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and businesses property rights. Patents The United States Patent Office is where companies or individuals can file documents to obtain a legal monopoly for a product or process that theyRead MoreWhat Are Piracy And Intellectual Property?1012 Words   |  5 Pagesthe western civilization values. Laws for copyright, piracy, intellectual property somehow find the origins in the socio-economical system of our world. In the following essay, we will try to explore the different characteristics of the worlds which may engender the need for copyright. We will next explain what are piracy and intellectual property vis-à  -vis the notion of copyright. Several characteristics of today’s world and its business made copyright essentials for the course of everyday activitiesRead MoreWhy Copyright Laws Are Important Today s Business World783 Words   |  4 Pagesspurs economic growth, creates new jobs and industries, and enhances the quality and enjoyment of life. (WIPO, n.d.) In this essay I am going to discuss why copyright laws are important in today’s business world and why copying software and other resources is called â€Å"piracy†. Why copyright laws are important in today’s business world Copyright laws protect certain kinds of original works, such as books, compact discs, films, and software. Creations such as the aforementioned are referred to as â€Å"intellectualRead MoreThe Protection Of Copyright : An Indispensable Part Of The Domestic And International Protection Essay974 Words   |  4 PagesPosition Paper As one of the three most important aspects of intellectual property, copyright is an indispensable part of the domestic and international protection. As one of the earliest countries to be aware of the importance of the protection of intellectual property, the United States paid great attention to the protection of copyright. All the treaties and legislation are aiming at reaching the balance between the creators’ interests and the competitors’ rights. 1.Domestic protection 1.1. ItRead MoreThe World Intellectual Property Organization Essay886 Words   |  4 Pagescategories, which are industrial property and copyright. Industrial property includes trademarks, patents for inventions, and industrial designs and geographical indications. Copyright includes music, films, literary and artistic works (World Intellectual Property Organization, n.d.). The World Intellectual Property Organization (n.d.) helps one understand the importance of protecting intellectual property. They have spelled out several reasons of this importance including inventing new works in technologyRead MoreEthics, Intellectual Property, And Piracy1379 Words   |  6 Pagesavailability of the Internet have made a large world much smaller in the context of information sharing, so the importance of understanding and utilizing measures to protect intellectual property and copyrights is vital to business success, ethical understanding and acceptance. In the following, I will specifically discuss the concepts of copyright, intellectual property, and piracy. Copyrights are a form of intellectual property, and the concepts of piracy and plagiarism threatens the viability and integrity

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Animal Testing Speech Outline - 965 Words

Animal Testing Introduction Attention-getter: Visualize yourself somewhere locked and isolated, whether it is a closet, a cage, or a box. Now visualize yourself being constantly controlled, not being able to choose when to eat, when to drink, or even when to sleep. Thesis: Animal testing is a heavy topic that usually goes unnoticed. To many scientists, animal testing is beneficial and to society it is morally wrong. Credibility: After doing our extensive research, we are knowledgeable about animal testing. Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to discuss multiple perspectives on animal testing. Invitation: We invite you all to think about the different perspectives and to discuss your thoughts and views on this issue. Preview main†¦show more content†¦believe that medical testing on animals is â€Å"morally acceptable† ( All drugs have dangers due to certain chemicals and substances. Because of animal testing, researchers have found another alternative to testing on humans. Animal testing allows for scientists and researchers to determine the safety and quality of medicinal treatment before humans take it. This means that humans aren’t being harmed and more lives are being saved. Modern surgical techniques were also perfected on animals that helped save many lives today such as hip replacement surgery, kidney transplants, heart transplants, and blood transfusions. Transition: Although testing on animals is beneficial to us humans, some animals being tested on, go through a large amount of agony and not many realize that. â€Å"Every year in the U.S., over 25 million animals are used in biomedical experimentation, product and cosmetic testing, and science education...† ( All those animals are either held in captivity or euthanized. According to Humane Society International, most animals used in testing are usually deprived of water, force fed, and physically restrained for long periods of time while they are being tested. Through the infliction of burns, wounds, and side effects, researchers examine the animal to study the healing process, and the infliction of pain to determine its effects and remedies. An example of one of the treatments used by cosmetic companies isShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing (Speech Outline)1200 Words   |  5 PagesbSpecific Purpose/b Ââ€" To persuade my audience that animal testing is wrong and how other safer alternatives should be taken. br brbCentral Idea/b Ââ€" By going the extra mile in using safer alternatives when experimenting with animals will not only prevent conflicts from pro-life activists, it will minimize lawsuits and morals will be preserved. br brbIntroduction/b brI. Okay I got a riddle I made up for the class. brA. What was once cute and furry but becomes a bloody rottedRead More Animal Testing (speech Outline) Essay989 Words   |  4 Pages Specific Purpose – To persuade my audience that animal testing is wrong and how other safer alternatives should be taken. Central Idea – By going the extra mile in using safer alternatives when experimenting with animals will not only prevent conflicts from pro-life activists, it will minimize lawsuits and morals will be preserved. Introduction I.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Okay I got a riddle I made up for the class. A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What was once cute and furry but becomes aRead MoreAnimal Testing. Persuasive Speech Outline Essay1237 Words   |  5 PagesZoee Gaige-Wilson Persuasive Speech Outline I. Introduction Animals can be ferocious and wild, but they can also be gentle and tame. Some are our pets, and some are powerful forces that are to be respected and admired. It is as easy to appreciate a loyal dog as it is to be in awe of a lion in its natural habitat. But the truth that many people either don’t know or don’t appreciate is that animals are essential to human existence and have played a vital role in improving the quality of ourRead MoreWe Like It1884 Words   |  8 Pagespersuasive speech will be on the topic of Animal Testing. Animal testing is the testing and experimentation of products on animals to test the safety levels and reactions. I chose to select this topic, because it really bothers me that animal testing is still allowed today. I have pets, and all my friends have pets and its just something I could never imagine them going through. I will need to find information concerning the laws on animal testing, the different types of animal testing used,R ead MoreInformative Speech On Pitbulls1055 Words   |  5 PagesDyana Churchill Communications 103 Informative Speech Outline 11 October 2017 Pit Bulls - How We Can Help Protect Them General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about that pit bulls are not always dangerous and how they can be such a great companion. Introduction (Attention Gainer :) What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of pit bull? According to Cesar Millan, â€Å"A bread is like a suit of clothes, it doesnt tell you anything about the dog inside.† CesarRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Inhumane And Should Be Banned Essay1813 Words   |  8 PagesKeep the Lipstick off your Dog Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: to persuade my audience that animal testing is inhumane and should be banned. Thesis: It is not ethical to use animals for testing purposes. Animal testing, especially for cosmetic and consumer good purposes should be banned. Those companies that continue to use animal testing should be charged with animal neglect and cruelty. Animals live and have emotions just as human and deserve the rightRead MorePeter Singer: Sentience vs Self-Conciousness Essay1816 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Explain Singers distinction between sentience and self-consciousness, and what the distinction implies for the moral status of animals. Do you believe non-human animals have the same or a different moral status to human animals? Explain the basis of your answer.† More than three decades ago Peter Singer heralded the need for a new kind of liberation movement, one calling for a radical expansion of the human moral canvas and more importantly, a rejection of the horrors human beings have inflictedRead MoreReview of Conrad Kottaks Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity2863 Words   |  11 Pagescareful to outline the field of anthropology in as broadly useful and neutral manner as possible for American students. The book is truly global in its context, and it is careful to avoid any of anthropologys past failings relating to Eurocentric bias by including all countries within the scope of anthropology. Though not a critical instructional component for beginning students, Professor Kottak makes it clear in the appendix that the textbooks definitions, structure, and outline are distinctiveRead MoreUse of Minimally Invasive Techniques in Psychological Studies2908 Words   |  12 Pagesbrain structures. You then observe what happens to the animal before and after the lesioning. There are several ways to lesion. Electrolytic: Observe the animal for the particular behaviour of interest. Insert an insulated needle into the placement point. The needle is insulated except at the tip. Apply current and burn the tissue, which ultimately dies. Observe the animal for changes in behaviour. Advantages: It’s a goodRead MoreBreed Specific Legislation Persuasive Speech Outline2237 Words   |  9 PagesTroy Gladney Persuasive Speech Outline Comm 110 I. Introduction A. Attention getter: A lot of times Breed Specific laws ban pit bulls and even require that a pit bull be put down. In this game, you are giving a death sentence to one dog. Will you choose the right one? [Can you find the pit bull on line game] B. Relation to audience: By a show of hands, how many of you have a pet you consider to be part of your family? Think about how you would feel if a law banned the breed of

Maasai Culture free essay sample

Maasai Culture Maasai society is patriarchical in nature with the elders deciding most matters for each Maasai group. The laibon or spiritual leader acts as the liaison between the Maasai and God, named Enkai or Engai, as well as the source of Maasai herblore. The Maasai are mostly monotheistic in outlook, but many have become Christian under the influence of missionaries. Traditional Maasai lifestyle centers around their cattle which constitutes the primary source of food.They also believe that God gave them his cattle to watch over. The Tanzanian and Kenyan governments have instituted programs to encourage the Maasai to abandon their traditional semi-nomadic lifestyle and adopt an agrarian lifestyle instead. The Maasai measure a mans wealth in terms of cattle and children rather than money a d of 50 cattle is respectable, and the more children the better. A man who has plenty of one but not the other is considered to be poor. We will write a custom essay sample on Maasai Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Maasai believe that they own all the cattle in the world. As a historically nomadic and then semi-nomadic people, the Maasai have traditionally relied on local, readily available materials and indigenous technology to construct their housing. The traditional Maasai house was in the first instance designed for people on the move and was thus very impermanent in nature. The Inkajijik (Maasai word for a house) are either loaf-shaped or circular, and are constructed by women. The structural framework is formed of timber poles fixed directly into the ground and interwoven with a lattice of smaller branches, which is then plastered with a mix of mud, sticks, grass, cow dung and urine, and ash. The enkaji is small, measuring about 3m x 5m and standing only 1. 5m high. Within this space the family cooks, eats, sleeps, socializes and stores food, fuel and other household possessions. Small livestock are also often accommodated within the enkaji. Villages are enclosed in a circular fence (Enkang) built by the men, usually of thorned Acacia.At night all cows and goats are placed in an enclosure in the center, safe from wild animals. The central unit of Maasai society is the age-set. Every 15 years or so, a new and individually named generation of Morans or Il-moran (warriors) will be initiated. This involves most boys between 12 and 25, who have reached puberty and are not part of the previous age- set. Every boy must undergo the Emorata (circumcision ceremony), which is performed without anaesthetic, before he is accepted as a warrior.When a new generation of warriors is initiated, the existing il moran will graduate to become junior elders, who are responsible for political decisions until they in turn become senior elders. Warriors are in charge of societys security while boys are responsible for herding livestock. During the drought season, both warriors and boys assume responsibility for herding livestock. The elders are directors and advisors for day-to-day activities. Women are responsible for making the houses as well as supplying water, collecting firewood, milking cattle and cooking for the family.Maasai traditional dance, Adumu One myth about the Maasai is that each young man is supposed to kill a lion before they are circumcised. Although lion hunting was an activity of the past, and lion hunting has been banned in East Africa, lions are still hunted when they maul Maasai livestock, and young warriors who engage in traditional lion killing do not face significant consequences. Increasing concern regarding lion populations has given rise to at least one program which promotes accepting compensation when a lion kills livestock, rather than hunting and killing the predator.Nevertheless, killing a lion gives one great value and celebrity status in the community. Women can only marry once in a lifetime, although men may have more than one wife (if enough cows are owned, they may hav e more than one at a time). Young girls undergo Female genital cutting (FGC) in an elaborate rite of passage ritual in which they are given instructions and advice pertaining to their new role, as they are then said to have come of age and become women, ready for marriage.These circumcisions are usually performed by a hired local expert without anesthetic using crude knives, glass or other sharp implements available for as much as US $6. 00 per girl. Girls are married off early, sometimes as young as seven years old. The practice of FGC draws a great deal of criticism from both abroad and many women who have undergone it, and in some cases has recently been replaced by a Cutting with words ceremony involving singing and dancing in place of the mutilation.However, the practice remains deeply ingrained and valued by the culture, as well as being held as necessary, since Maasai men typically reject any woman who has not undergone it as either not marriageable or widow. Maasai Diet Traditionally, the Maasai diet c onsisted of meat, milk, and blood from cattle. However, the inclusion of blood in the traditional diet is waning due to the reduction of livestock numbers. More recently, the Maasai have grown dependent on food produced in other areas such as maize meal, rice, potatoes, cabbage (known to the Maasai as goat leaves), etc.The Maasai who live near crop farmers have engaged in cultivation as their primary mode of subsistence. In these areas, plot sizes are generally not large enough to accommodate herds of animals; thus the Maasai are forced to farm. Maasai Clothing Red is a favored colour among the Maasai. Many Maasai in Tanzania wear simple sandals, sometimes soled with pieces of motorcycle tires. Both men and women wear wooden bracelets. The Maasai women regularly weave and bead jewellery. This bead work plays an essential part in the ornamentation of their body.